The two tips you're about to read will aid you in burning more fat from your body than you ever have, and these tips have nothing to do with any long aerobic workouts that lower your metabolism, or hours in the gym lifting weights.

You can start your new regime right now, and you're will be doing a lot less than you're already doing, that's unless you're not doing any exercise at all at the moment. This will all change for you, and for the better.

Your firstpiece of advice is, to not worry about performing long monotonous aerobics. Long boring aerobics burns a a small amount of additional calories as you're ploughing through it, but it does zilch to help your body burn fat while you're not exercising.

What needs to be done to get your body in a fat burning state for the following 48 hours is a whole body workout. This will boost your metabolism, and that is what your body needs to burn that fat from your abs.

Long cardio sessions can in fact start to eat away at your muscle mass, and this will slow down your metabolic rate. Muscle burns more calories than fat when you're resting so you need to keep your muscle mass intact while you're burning fat, and this is achieved with resistance training.

Working out your whole body with resistance training kicks your fat burning into another gear. Your body will go on to burn more fat for up to 48 hours after you have completed your workout. This is for the reason that you're exercising all your major muscle groups, and as these muscles get bigger your metabolic rate increases. As your metabolic rate increases this is when you start to see the fat melt off of your stomach.

You'll burn a lot more fat and calories with resistance training than you will doing an hour of cardio every day. All you need to do is resistance training for 3 sessions of 45 minutes a week and you'll begin noticing the benefits in less than a month. And that's even if you're somone who has been doing long boring cardio every day for years.

The next tip is to eat more meals a day. A lot of people eat 3 times a day, and this is why they're carrying extra fat around their stomach no matter how careful they are with their diet. Your body will go into starvation mode if you go more than 3 hours without food. This is a natural survival instinct your body has to protect itself from being starved.

You haven't got to double the amount of food you eat at the moment, you just have to eat 6 small portions instead of 3 big portions. To kick your metabolism into gear you should eat your breakfast within an hour of waking up. Eat lots of natural foods such as grains, nuts, vegetables, fruit and meat and fish, and avoid eating junk foods and processed foods.

Your body will soon start burning more fat when you exercise and eat correctly.

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